Analytical papers Paying for the Past: Material Reparations after Slavery in the French Antilles since 1998 Camille Cottais
Policy briefs Freedom Under Fire: France’s Political and Legal Offensive Against Free Speech Niccolò Fantin & Vincent Lefebvre
Opinions/Communiqués GROW supports the European Citizens’ Initiative for an EU-wide ban on conversion practices Pôle Communication
Opinions/Communiqués GROW, La Ligue des Droits de l’Homme and Utopia56 call on Gérald Darmanin to reject the European Union’s Migration and Asylum Pact GROW
Opinions/Communiqués GROW calls on Council of Europe Member States to adopt an instrument acknowledging a right to a healthy environment in Europe GROW
Policy briefs Addressing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and Inadequate Domestic Legislation: A Pathway to Eradicate Modern Slavery Ella Roubart